I have researched Laos History, but most that I found in more details are from http://www.rfa.org/lao/, Search word “ການໂຍກຍ້າຍ” or “ເຈົ້າອະນຸວົງ”, they also have many video in youtube, search word “History of Laos”.
When I was young, I learnt these phrases from history classes and older people in Laos, never fully understood the meaning of it. As I can recollected some of the story goes like this:
These saying was after the victory in Thai, 1828, Laukham’s grandfather fake surrender to Thai(with the help from Vietnam in 1828, details are in the video), before the last capture of his father and grandfather(the capturer thrown Chao Anu in the sea for two days, but he didn’t die, so they took out his eyes, not in the video).
1824, Chao Anu(grandfather) was Thai’s appointed governor in Laos; Laukham’s father had secretly sent both him and his younger brother to study the Art of War from grandfather’s great grandmaster in a treacherous jungle of Laos (forbidden by Thai). Only Laukham was able to study due to his younger brother was gravely ill on the way there. After four years, he came back, in time to help his father and grandfather last revolt to take independent back from Thai. He raced to Thai where the battle front were, and help his father drove the enemy back, battle was won, but not the war. These original words was from the young Rasavong.
ເຈົ້າເຫຼົາຄຳຮາຊວົງ (in 1828) ລູກຊາຍກົກຂອງເຈົ້າຮາຊວົງ(ເຫົ້ງາ), ຫຼານຂອງເຈົ້າອະນຸວົງ:
ໂອ້ນໂນນຊາ ຈຳປາສີ່ຕົ້ນ(from the beginning, there are stories in Youtube)
ໃຜບໍ່ໂອ້ນ ຂ້ອຍຊິໂອ້ນຜູ້ດຽວ
ປີ້ງຕັບໄກ່ ຂອງກິນໄທຍເອີຍ
ໄທຍກີນແລ້ວ ເສັຍແນວໄກ່ຕໍ່
ກິນໝາກຄໍ້ ຄາຄໍຈໍ່ຫຼໍ່(Thai took E-San from Laos, now stuck with it)
ບັ້ງເຈົ້າບັ້ງ ບັ້ງຣາຊວົງ
ໂຂງວຽງຈັນ ຣາຊວົງເປັນເຄົ້າ(He won the battle, started independent)
ໃຜວ່າວຽງຈັນເສົ້າ ສາວເອຍຢ່າຟ້າວວ່າ
ມັນຊິໂປ້ບາດຫຼ້າ ໝາກແຕງຊ້າງໜ່ວຍປາຍ
ວຽງຈັນຮ້າງ ເປັນໂນນຂີ້ໝາຈອກ
(ເບີ່ງເອາໂລດ ບາດເທື່ອ)
ບາງກອກຮ້າງ ຊິເປັນໝົ້ງກະຕ່າຍນອນ(Under the sea)